How can I practically impart God's wisdom to my children?

Dr. Adrian Rogers

How can I practically impart God's wisdom to my children?

Well, God has given us a book of wisdom. It is the Book of Proverbs. And in our family, we read the Book of Proverbs at the breakfast table most every morning – especially when our grandchildren are present. We encouraged our children and now encourage our grandchildren to pick a proverb (they take turns picking a proverb), and then we discuss that proverb. Since there are thirty-one chapters in Proverbs, there is always one for each day of the month. We try to choose the chapter that corresponds with the day of the week. That has become a great time to teach the Bible and build character.


Excerpted from It Takes A Family by Dr. Adrian Rogers. Click here to read the article in its entirety.
Article u
sed by permission of Love Worth Finding Ministries. 
Questions and answers taken from Adrian Rogers' weekly newspaper column. Used by permission. © 2001, The Commercial Appeal.

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