Browse Weekly Wisdoms

August 2024

August 5

  • Listen to your prayers, because they locate your level of spiritual maturity. (Explanation)
  • Private obedience leads to public blessings. (Explanation)

August 12

  • Your outer life is your reputation with people, but your inner life is your reputation with God. (Explanation)
  • Does the fear of God or the fear of man rule your life? (Explanation)

August 19

  • Be a channel for God's blessings, not a reservoir. (Explanation)
  • Frustrated? It may be because you're trying to make something happen that only God can make happen. (Explanation)

August 26

  • The first Adam was a man who tried to play God; the second Adam was God who became man. (Explanation)
  • Be willing to let your schedule be altered if knowing God better requires it. (Explanation)