Browse Weekly Wisdoms

July 2024

July 1

  • Do you lack the unity in community? (Explanation)
  • Your level of living depends on your level of giving. (Explanation)

July 8

  • He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. (Explanation)
  • Time is the price you must pay for intimacy with God. (Explanation)

July 15

  • Your spirit is more powerful than your flesh. (Explanation)
  • Every action you take is a seed you sow, and every seed you sow is a harvest you'll reap. (Explanation)

July 22

  • Every problem is an opportunity to trust God. (Explanation)
  • Christians are supposed to be the light of the world, but you can't be a light if you're not plugged in. (Explanation)

July 29

  • Giving is the only antidote to greed. (Explanation)
  • Use your words as building blocks not battering rams. (Explanation)