Browse Weekly Wisdoms

June 2024

June 3

  • Christ must be at the center of your relationships because He provides a stable, fixed point of reference; otherwise, your relationships will be frail and fragile. (Explanation)
  • Nothing steals your joy like thinking, "I will enjoy my life when ..." (Explanation)

June 10

  • Joyful living requires giving. (Explanation)
  • The type of seed you sow determines the type of harvest you'll reap. (Explanation)

June 17

  • The good news is God has all the money he needs to fund ministry through his church. The bad news is it's in your pocket! (Explanation)
  • Not liking someone is no excuse for not loving them. (Explanation)

June 24

  • The way you know you've been given life, hope, and a future is when you begin giving those away to everyone else. (Explanation)
  • Love unexpressed is not love at all. (Explanation)