11 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,
11 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
11 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
11 Going through a long line of prophets, God has been addressing our ancestors in different ways for centuries.
11 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets,
11 Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets.
18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
18 No one has ever seen God; the only God
18 No one has ever seen God, not so much as a glimpse. This one-of-a-kind God-Expression, who exists at the very heart of the Father, has made him plain as day. Thunder in the Desert
18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son,
18 No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God, is near to the Father's heart. He has revealed God to us.
(Read John 1:15-18)
As to the order of time and entrance on his work, Christ came after John, but in every other way he was before him. The expression clearly shows that Jesus had existence before he appeared on earth as man. All fulness dwells in him, from which alone fallen sinners have, and shall receive, by faith, all that renders them wise, strong, holy, useful, and happy. Our receivings by Christ are all summed up in this one word, grace; we have received "even grace," a gift so great, so rich, so invaluable; the good will of God towards us, and the good work of God in us. The law of God is holy, just, and good; and we should make the proper use of it. But we cannot derive from it pardon, righteousness, or strength. It teaches us to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour, but it cannot supply the place of that doctrine. As no mercy comes from God to sinners but through Jesus Christ, no man can come to the Father but by him; no man can know God, except as he is made known in the only begotten and beloved Son.
Matthew Henry's Commentary on Hebrews 1:1
Commentary on Hebrews 1:1-3
(Read Hebrews 1:1-3)
God spake to his ancient people at sundry times, through successive generations, and in divers manners, as he thought proper; sometimes by personal directions, sometimes by dreams, sometimes by visions, sometimes by Divine influences on the minds of the prophets. The gospel revelation is excellent above the former; in that it is a revelation which God has made by his Son. In beholding the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ, we behold the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Father, John 14:7; the fulness of the Godhead dwells, not typically, or in a figure, but really, in him. When, on the fall of man, the world was breaking to pieces under the wrath and curse of God, the Son of God, undertaking the work of redemption, sustained it by his almighty power and goodness. From the glory of the person and office of Christ, we proceed to the glory of his grace. The glory of His person and nature, gave to his sufferings such merit as was a full satisfaction to the honour of God, who suffered an infinite injury and affront by the sins of men. We never can be thankful enough that God has in so many ways, and with such increasing clearness, spoken to us fallen sinners concerning salvation. That he should by himself cleanse us from our sins is a wonder of love beyond our utmost powers of admiration, gratitude, and praise.