Acts 25:14 (Read all of Acts 25)
Since they were spending many days there, Festus discussed Paul's case with the king. He said: "There is a man here whom Felix left as a prisoner.
Acts 25:19 (Read all of Acts 25)
Instead, they had some points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive.
Acts 25:21 (Read all of Acts 25)
But when Paul made his appeal to be held over for the Emperor's decision, I ordered him held until I could send him to Caesar."
Acts 25:23 (Read all of Acts 25)
The next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp and entered the audience room with the high-ranking military officers and the prominent men of the city. At the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.
Acts 26:1 (Read all of Acts 26)
Then Agrippa said to Paul, "You have permission to speak for yourself." So Paul motioned with his hand and began his defense:
Acts 26:24 (Read all of Acts 26)
At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defense. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted. "Your great learning is driving you insane."
Acts 26:25 (Read all of Acts 26)
"I am not insane, most excellent Festus," Paul replied. "What I am saying is true and reasonable.
Acts 26:28 (Read all of Acts 26)
Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?"
Acts 26:29 (Read all of Acts 26)
Paul replied, "Short time or long-I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains."
Acts 27:1 (Read all of Acts 27)
When it was decided that we would sail for Italy, Paul and some other prisoners were handed over to a centurion named Julius, who belonged to the Imperial Regiment.
Acts 27:3 (Read all of Acts 27)
The next day we landed at Sidon; and Julius, in kindness to Paul, allowed him to go to his friends so they might provide for his needs.
Acts 27:9 (Read all of Acts 27)
Much time had been lost, and sailing had already become dangerous because by now it was after the Day of Atonement. So Paul warned them,
Acts 27:11 (Read all of Acts 27)
But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship.
Acts 27:21 (Read all of Acts 27)
After they had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said: "Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss.
Acts 27:24 (Read all of Acts 27)
and said, 'Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.'
Acts 27:31 (Read all of Acts 27)
Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, "Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved."
Acts 27:33 (Read all of Acts 27)
Just before dawn Paul urged them all to eat. "For the last fourteen days," he said, "you have been in constant suspense and have gone without food-you haven't eaten anything.
Acts 27:43 (Read all of Acts 27)
But the centurion wanted to spare Paul's life and kept them from carrying out their plan. He ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land.
Acts 28:3 (Read all of Acts 28)
Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand.
Acts 28:5 (Read all of Acts 28)
But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.
Acts 28:8 (Read all of Acts 28)
His father was sick in bed, suffering from fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him and, after prayer, placed his hands on him and healed him.
Acts 28:15 (Read all of Acts 28)
The brothers and sisters there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these people Paul thanked God and was encouraged.
Acts 28:16 (Read all of Acts 28)
When we got to Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, with a soldier to guard him.
Acts 28:17 (Read all of Acts 28)
Three days later he called together the local Jewish leaders. When they had assembled, Paul said to them: "My brothers, although I have done nothing against our people or against the customs of our ancestors, I was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans.
Acts 28:23 (Read all of Acts 28)
They arranged to meet Paul on a certain day, and came in even larger numbers to the place where he was staying. He witnessed to them from morning till evening, explaining about the kingdom of God, and from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets he tried to persuade them about Jesus.