Displaying Results 26 - 29 of 29 on Page 2 of 2

"eli"   (New International Version)

1 Samuel 4:18   (Read all of 1 Samuel 4)

When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell backward off his chair by the side of the gate. His neck was broken and he died, for he was an old man, and he was heavy. He had led Israel forty years.

1 Samuel 14:3   (Read all of 1 Samuel 14)

among whom was Ahijah, who was wearing an ephod. He was a son of Ichabod's brother Ahitub son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the Lord's priest in Shiloh. No one was aware that Jonathan had left.

1 Kings 2:27   (Read all of 1 Kings 2)

So Solomon removed Abiathar from the priesthood of the Lord, fulfilling the word the Lord had spoken at Shiloh about the house of Eli.

Matthew 27:46   (Read all of Matthew 27)

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli,lemasabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

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