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Below, you may customize the appearance of the Daily Bible Verse on your website. You may customize fifteen different features resulting in millions of possible looks. When your finished, click Create Daily Bible Verse to obtain the code to place on your site.

Finished? Click Finished to get your code.

Please select the width of the Daily Bible Verse:

"Default" means the Daily Bible Verse defaults to being as wide as necessary.

Examples: 92%  73%  286px  468px
Must be either "%" or "px"

Please select the background color:

This goes behind the entire Daily Bible Verse.

Pick a color that contrasts nicely with your font color, which you’ll choose later.

Enter custom value:

Please select the border width:

The border around the entire Daily Bible Verse.

Width is in pixels. Selecting a width of zero will result in no border.

Please select the border color:

This is only applicable if the border width is greater than zero.

Enter custom value:

Please select the title alignment:

The horizontal alignment of the title.

Please select the title color:

The color of the title.

Pick a title color that contrasts nicely with your background color to improve readability.

Enter custom value:

Please select the title font:

The font of the title.

Easy to read is the key.

Please select the title size:

The font size of the title.

You may wish to make the title slightly larger than the verse (you will select the font size of the verse later).

Please select the title style:

Don’t overload on style. Keep the title clear and easy to read.

Please select the text placement:

The horizontal alignment of the Daily Bible Verse.

Please select the text color:

The horizontal alignment of the Daily Bible Verse.

Pick a color that contrasts with your background color to improve readability.

Enter custom value:

Please select the text font:

The font of the Daily Bible Verse.

Easy to read is the key.

Please select the text size:

The font size of the Daily Bible Verse.

It is recommended that you make the verse size slightly smaller than the title size.

Please select the title:

The words that will be displayed as the title.

Please select the Bible translation:

Select your favorite translation.

Finished? Click Finished to get your code.