wanderings, a picture of Israel watched over but an
Jacob becomes now the
picture of cast-out and wandering Israel, heir of the
promises, watched over, but an outcast. The wanderings of
Abraham were in the land of promise; those of Jacob, out
of it: two things very different one from another. God,
indeed, was with Jacob, and never left him but Abraham
walked with God: in the realisation of His presence he
built his altar. Jacob had no altar; he was not in the
place of promise. For such a path takes us out of
communion. Although God in His faithfulness be with us,
we are not with Him. However, so soon as he bows to the
chastisement—destitute, and with his staff, and a
stone for his pillow, God reveals Himself to him, and
assures to him all the promises, not in the full
revelation of communion, but in a dream. And here all the
promises are renewed, but with a notable difference from
all before; for now the promise of the blessings to the
nations is to him and his seed; for here we are in
connection with Israel and the blessing of the earth.
Thus it is not merely the one seed, Christ; but the seed
of Israel in possession of the land—the millennial
possession of the earth.
But another promise was
added, a precious and important one, that, outcast and a
wanderer as he was, God would keep him in all places
whither he went, and bring him back to the land, and
fulfil all without fail, not leaving him till he had
accomplished all. God was above; Jacob, the object of
promise and blessing, of the earth; but earth was all
under the providential control of heaven; and the angels
had Jacob for their care, ascended and descended,
accomplishing the will of God[1]. Awoke up, Jacob binds himself to Jehovah
as his God—for Jehovah stood at the top of the
ladder; and thus He became, prophetically, the God of a
restored Israel, with whom, though far from heaven, was
the house of God on earth in connection with heaven. It
was a legal though just vow, and all prophetic. He is now
a stranger, and in many things represents Christ
afflicted in the affliction of His people.
Christ is the object in John; the ladder is merely to
connect the scene.
Genesis 28 Bible Commentary
John Darby’s Synopsis
Jacob becomes now the picture of cast-out and wandering Israel, heir of the promises, watched over, but an outcast. The wanderings of Abraham were in the land of promise; those of Jacob, out of it: two things very different one from another. God, indeed, was with Jacob, and never left him but Abraham walked with God: in the realisation of His presence he built his altar. Jacob had no altar; he was not in the place of promise. For such a path takes us out of communion. Although God in His faithfulness be with us, we are not with Him. However, so soon as he bows to the chastisement—destitute, and with his staff, and a stone for his pillow, God reveals Himself to him, and assures to him all the promises, not in the full revelation of communion, but in a dream. And here all the promises are renewed, but with a notable difference from all before; for now the promise of the blessings to the nations is to him and his seed; for here we are in connection with Israel and the blessing of the earth. Thus it is not merely the one seed, Christ; but the seed of Israel in possession of the land—the millennial possession of the earth.
But another promise was added, a precious and important one, that, outcast and a wanderer as he was, God would keep him in all places whither he went, and bring him back to the land, and fulfil all without fail, not leaving him till he had accomplished all. God was above; Jacob, the object of promise and blessing, of the earth; but earth was all under the providential control of heaven; and the angels had Jacob for their care, ascended and descended, accomplishing the will of God[1]. Awoke up, Jacob binds himself to Jehovah as his God—for Jehovah stood at the top of the ladder; and thus He became, prophetically, the God of a restored Israel, with whom, though far from heaven, was the house of God on earth in connection with heaven. It was a legal though just vow, and all prophetic. He is now a stranger, and in many things represents Christ afflicted in the affliction of His people.
[1] Christ is the object in John; the ladder is merely to connect the scene.